Saturday, 21 September 2013

jsp:forward action tags

<jsp:forward> action

Defn :
forwards the request to the given page.

Syntax: <jsp:forward page="{PAGE_TO_FORWARD}"/>

  • And it is again similar to jsp include, it forwards the request to the given page.
  • When you say jsp include, your included jsp pages contents put your main jsp page and your main jsp page is displayed but here it does not include any contents of the included page but it simply forwards to the given page so that means that whatever contents you had your main jsp page would not be forwarded to the sub page so lets say that you had something wretten on your main jsp page  and ultimately the page forwarded so whatever content had your main jsp page will not be passed over to the forward jsp page.
  • I think you rarely use this "jsp:forward "action in your application.

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